New Mongolian Plan on Overcoming Economic Difficulties

The Mongolian economy has faced challenges in recent years, including decline of foreign investment and slow down in the economy. The current government of Mongolia has stated that restoration of the reputation of Mongolia is the top priority. The cabinet has established a new council responsible for communicating with investors in hopes of attracting more foreign investment.

 The Minister of Finance has recently presented a draft of a new Program on Overcoming Economic Difficulties and Stabilization. The Program includes over 60 policy proposals designed to stabilize the Mongolian economy, assist with economic restructuring, and securing sustainable growth.

 The plan aims to achieve 3% economic growth in 2017. This is be accomplished by coordinating monetary and budget polices, and attempts to increase foreign exchange. Growth of 5.1% is targeted in 2018 and 7.1% in 2019. Better infrastructure, transportation and non-extractive exports are expected to contribute to growth.

 The plan lays out growth of 20,000 jobs each year between 2017-2019 and aims for 8% percent unemployment by the end of 2019. The processing industry is expected to grow by 6.3% by 2019.

 The Program estimates that exports from Mongolia will amount to USD 5.4 billion in 2019, and imports will amount to USD 5.5 billion. Increased construction activity is expected to contribute.

 The Program aims to increase annual FDI investment to USD 2.0-3.0 billion. Overall the Program is a positive indicator for prospective economic growth in Mongolia. Conditions for foreign investment are expected to improve. LehmanLaw Mongolia will be watching closely and are ready to assist any foreign company considering a new investment in Mongolia.

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