Tag Archives: Internet Law

Domain Names and the Legal Framework: Part I

Due to its singular and inimitable feature, the assigned website names constitute an “online” name card for business operators and serves as an essential tool aimed at building and maintaining their position in the market. Such assigned names of websites are extended by the so-called domain name extensions/ top-level domains/ such as .com, .de, edu.com or gov.mn, which illustrate the country of operation or the type of operation.

The legislations of very few countries including Singapore allow granting of the registration and usage rights of their country’s domain name extensions only to those companies, that have been duly registered in these respective countries. However, the laws and regulations of Mongolia do not provide such restriction or prohibitions. In other words, Mongolia’s official domain extension name “.mn“ may be registered not only by local companies, but as well as by any foreign entity, who wish to promote their operations to Mongolian consumers and/or perhaps to protect their world-wide known brand in Mongolian market.

In Mongolia, the relations concerning the establishment of communications network, the operations and protection thereof and the proper furnishing with the high-quality communications and information technology products and work services to citizens and legal entities is regulated by the Law on Communications. The Amendments to this Law dated 30th May 2019 provide that the Communications Regulatory Commission composed by the Government of Mongolia shall be in charge for the adoption of the Procedure related to the registration and usage of domain names and the execution monitoring thereof.

According to the unofficial statement from the Communications Regulatory Commission, the working group responsible for drafting of these Procedures has been established. As a whole, the state policy and the legal framework with regard to communications, in particular internet and domain names, are vague and unsophisticated. On 05th June 2019, the Provisional committee for digital policy at the Mongolian Parliament adopted a Resolution on the Directives to the Government of Mongolia /GoM/ and pursuant to Article 12 of the Resolution, the GoM shall establish the legal environment concerning domain names and define the state policy in relation to this matter.