Record of Changes in the State registration of Trademark

In accordance with the Law on Trademarks and Geographical Indications, several changes can be made to the state registration of a trademark at the request of the trademark owner. These changes are important for ensuring that the trademark records are up to date and reflect any changes in ownership, validity, or other details.

Types of Changes to the Trademark Registration:

  1. Renewal of the Registration Validity Period
    Trademark owners can request a renewal of the registration validity period to extend the protection of their trademark.
  2. Change of Trademark Owner’s Name and Address
    If there is a change in the trademark owner’s name or address, the new details must be updated in the trademark register.
  3. Transfer of Trademark Ownership Rights
    If the ownership of the trademark is transferred, the new owner’s details must be recorded in the state register.
  4. Removal of Items from the Goods and Services List
    The trademark owner may request to remove certain goods or services from the registered list of goods and services associated with the trademark.

Process for Requesting Changes

  • Renewal of Registration Validity
    A request for renewal must be submitted to the relevant government authority either during the last year of the registration’s validity or within six months after the registration expires, during the grace period. Please note that renewing the registration validity will not involve changes to the trademark itself or the addition of new items to the goods and services list.
  • Notification of Changes in Owner Details or Rights
    If the trademark owner changes their name or address, or if there is a transfer of ownership, the trademark owner must notify the relevant government authority in writing or electronically. This notification must occur within six months of the change. Once the notification is received, the change will be recorded in the state trademark register.
  • Public Announcement
    After the changes are made to the trademark register, the government authority will publicly announce these changes through official periodic publications.
  • Service Fees
    There will be a service fee associated with requests for an extension of the registration validity period, changes to the trademark owner’s name or address, or the transfer of trademark rights. These fees are required to process the changes in the state register.


Keeping the state trademark register up to date is essential for trademark owners to maintain the legal protection of their marks. By understanding the procedures for renewing registration, changing ownership details, transferring rights, and updating the goods and services list, trademark owners can ensure their intellectual property rights remain valid and protected.

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