Trademark Infringement Investigations and Penalties

The Investigation procedures for handling trademark infringement in Mongolia are governed by the Law of Intellectual Property, the Infringement Procedure Law and the State Inspection Law. The penalty for trademark infringement is specified by the Infringement law or the Criminal code depending on the extent of the harm and loss actually caused, which means both civil and criminal fines may be imposed. Although, it is common practice in Mongolia to violate trademark, most violations are investigated as trademark infringement under the Law, not as criminal offenses. Therefore, with today’s blog, we will focus on trademark infringement investigation and civil penalties.

Pursuant to Article 12.3 of the Law on Trademarks and Geographical Indications of Mongolia, a trademark owner is entitled to exclusive ownership, usage rights, and legal right to demand discontinuance of unauthorized use, along with monetary damage in compensation for infringing use.

The state officer for intellectual property shall be responsible for matters related to the intellectual property, in particular trademark infringement. The authorized inspector shall carry out the inquiry into the alleged the infringement case upon the receipt of the complaint and information about the trademark infringement. Upon receiving a complaint, the inspector shall decide whether to initiate the infringement case based on the claims and evidence provided. After the investigation is complete, the authorized official shall make the decision on whether to terminate the case without penalty, or to impose penalties.

According to the Infringement law of Mongolia, authorized official shall impose following penalties for trademark infringement:

  • Seizure of property and profits related to the infringement;
  • Cessation of unauthorized use;
  • Compensation of damages to the trademark owner;
  • Individuals involved in the infringement may be fined up to 300,000 MNT while companies may be fined up to 3,000,000 MNT.

The trademark infringement decision will be enforceable in the territory of Mongolia.

Domain Name Dispute Settlement in Mongolia

Recently, one of our clients had been seeking our advice on Mongolian communications law, particularly on the domain name registration and dispute settlement issue. Meanwhile providing legal analysis to our client’s inquiry, we have decided to provide the post in concern with background of the domain name monitor in Mongolia.

Communications Regulatory Commission of Mongolia (CRC) is the government authority that is responsible to monitor the implementation for registration and usage of domain name. Only one company, a Datacom LLC, has the authority from the CRC to register domain name in Mongolia. Datacom LLC’s website has a WHOIS owner database.

One of the powers of the CRC is resolving disputes between a domain name registrant (domain name holder) and a third party. In 2020 CRC adopted a “Regulation on registration and use of domain names”. This Regulation specifically provides for that “CRC will follow laws and regulations of Mongolia when processing requests and complaints. When dealing with issues not specified in laws of Mongolia and this Regulation, CRC may follow relevant parts of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (UDRP)”.

Pursuant to Regulation on registration and use of domain names, after the third party (other than domain name registrar and domain name registrant) submits a request or complaint, provided that all required documents are submitted along with request or complaint, CRC shall notify domain name registrar, domain name registrant and other relevant parties and obtain relevant response from them within 14 days from the date of submission of request or complaint. CRC will resolve the request or complaint within 21 days from the date of receipt of relevant responses. Depending on the content of request or complaint CRC may appoint a panel consisting of 3 experts with the purpose of carrying out an expert opinion on the matter. In such case the time to process a request or complaint against domain name will be longer. Pursuant to this Regulation, if CRC deems necessary, complaining party and domain name registrant may participate in the dispute resolution hearing.

What is an Employer’s Responsibility for Social Insurance?

Lately, our Mongolian lawyers have assisted the client to establish a company, and which has led to the next inquiry about what responsibilities the company (an employer) will have after the company establishment. One of the considerations is the employer’s duty to pay insurance premiums of its employees.

Mongolian Social Security system provides benefits such as the retirement, health, disability, and unemployment for every single person who are currently employed within Mongolian territory including citizens of Mongolia, foreign employees and stateless persons. Social Security contribution is the premium levied on both employers and employees to fund the Social Security program.

The Social Insurance Law of Mongolia has determined the social insurance premium rates that both employers and employees are required to pay. As of 2023, depending on the industry, rate of premium payable by employer’s payroll is between 12.5% to 14.5%. Employee premium rate is fixed at 11.5% from salary and similar income but employee monthly contributions are capped at the minimum wage MNT 550,000.

An employer should be registered to the General authority for social insurance and responsible for withholding social insurance premiums and transferring them to the authorities on a monthly basis. Also, the employer is required to submit a report on the monthly social insurance premium payment to the social insurance within the 5the of the following month. Primary and accounting records and balance statement related to social insurance should be kept in accordance with the relevant procedure.

Establishing a Branch of Foreign Company in Mongolia

A foreign company may establish a branch in Mongolia as a secondary establishment of the parent company. Legally, such a branch is considered a part of the parent company, and as such, it is able to perform the principal functions of the company, however it is dependent on the foreign parent company. This type of branch will not be deemed to be a unique legal entity and must conduct its activities on behalf of the foreign company that established it. The foreign parent company will be responsible for the activities of the branch.

A branch of a foreign legal entity in Mongolia shall be registered with the registration authority. An executive director, founder, a person to represent without the power of authority or other persons authorized by the company will apply an application to the state registry and will include the following documents:

  • Foreign company’s registration certificate and the Charter. (copy)
  • Shareholders resolution to establish a branch in Mongolia.
  • Shareholders resolution to appoint a director of a foreign company’s branch and to provide an address and contact details where a branch will be.
  • A branch’s rule which includes branch address, contact information and conducting activities.
  • If a director of a branch is a foreign resident, a copy of the citizen’s passport.
  • Evidence of the branch office address such as rental agreement or an immoveable property certificate.

All the documents made in foreign language should be translated. Also, documents issued in a foreign country should be apostilled.

Domestic Arbitration for Foreign Companies in Mongolia

Our Mongolian lawyers frequently assist clients engaged in a range of international business. One of the questions asked by our clients is about domestic arbitration proceeding in Mongolia.

Domestic arbitration in Mongolia is arbitration proceedings other than international arbitration proceeding. If parties have agreed to solve their dispute by domestic arbitration or such agreement is provided in the contract, any disputes related to the contract will be settled by the Mongolian International Arbitration Centre in Mongolia.

The claimant shall submit a written claim which should state the facts supporting the point at issue and the relief or remedy sought and the respondent is required to state his/her defense in respect of these particulars within the period of time agreed by parties or determined by the arbitration tribunal, unless the parties have otherwise agreed. Within 30 days of receiving a notice of arbitration initiation notice, the parties are entitled to appoint an arbitrator from the list of international arbitrators in Mongolia. If the parties did not appoint within a specified time frame, the presiding arbitrator of the tribunal appoints an arbitrator. Following this, a preliminary hearing will be held to establish procedures for resolving arbitration cases, and the following issues will be discussed in the hearing. Among them:

  • Whether an arbitration proceeding has been negotiated between the parties,
  • Whether the dispute subjects to jurisdiction of an arbitration,
  • Place of arbitration proceedings and hearings,
  • Judicial norms for dispute resolution and proceedings,
  • Arbitration language,
  • Basic and additional costs of arbitration,
  • Resolving requests such as summoning a witness, appointing an expert, including an interpreter, a translator, and providing evidence;
  • Whether the arbitration proceedings will be open or closed,
  • The date of the arbitration hearing.

Arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the agreed procedures of the parties, the Arbitration Act, and the rules of arbitration proceeding.

Value-Added Tax in Mongolia

Our Mongolian lawyers have recently been assisting a company to register as a withholding Value-Added Tax payer in Mongolia. This post contains the questions that have arisen during that process, along with my answer.

A VAT withholding taxpayer may be an individual, legal entity or representative of foreign legal entity whose sale amount of goods, work or services in Mongolia has reached 50 million MNT or more. They obliged to withhold value added tax and pay to the government under the Mongolian VAT law. Whereas, the VAT payer is the last user, ultimately accountable for the VAT cost. If an individual or entity determined as a withholding tax payer, registration must be submitted to the relevant tax office within 10 working days of exceeding the amount of sale, and the tax authority will issue a VAT certificate to the individual or entity confirming its registration within 3 working days.

VAT is imposed at the rate of 10% on the supply of taxable goods and services within the territory of Mongolia as well as on imports into Mongolia. Followings will be subject to Zero rated VAT:

  • exports of all types of goods, work, and services,
  • international transport service,
  • service related to international air travel,
  • service provided to foreign citizens not residing in Mongolia
  • exported final mining products  

The imposition timing period shall be the day when the seller receives payment for selling goods, work or services, the day when the invoice is issued by the seller or the day when the goods, work, services are purchased by the buyer. The invoice amount issued by withholding tax payer is the taxable amount of VAT for goods, work and services.

Since the VAT law revised in 2016, an integrated electronic database system has been used to share VAT data centrally. All withholding tax payers who are registered in the system will be assigned with user account that is used to upload the information.

Establishing a Representative Office of Foreign Company in Mongolia

Our Mongolian lawyers have encountered number of inquiries regarding establishment of a representative office of foreign legal entity in Mongolia in the past few months. The scenario below takes a look at general regulations and requirements in Mongolia.

A representative office of a foreign company is not be deemed to be a legal entity and it will not operate an office independently in Mongolia. A representative office of a foreign company conducts activities of legal representation such as undertaking to protect the legal interests of the company and conclude transactions on behalf of the company in accordance with procedures adopted by the establishing company. A representative office will have its own Charter, but the establishing company will be responsible for the consequences of the activities. The board of directors will appoint the management of its representative offices and such director acts on the basis of a power of attorney from the company.

According to Mongolian law, a representative office is required to be registered with the registration authority. The registration period is two years, and if an establishing foreign company believes that the purpose of the representative office has not been fully met and that it is necessary to continue operating, it can be extended for the same period as the original grant.

In accordance with registration law, an establishing company prepares following documents to establish a representative office:

  • Application form
  • Establishing company’s certificate and charter copy
  • A decision of board of directors to establish a representative office
  • A charter of a representative office
  • Foreign citizen’s passport who is appointed for a representative office’ director.
  • Proof of address
  • Tax office letter

Mongolian lawyers of our law firm are open to assist if you would like to have more information and advice on this matter.

Obtaining an Apostille in Mongolia

Recently we have been asked by one of our clients about an apostille service and how to get documents to be apostilled in Mongolia.

An apostille is a specialized certificate used to verify original public document’s legitimacy and authentication so that they can be accepted in one of the other nations who are signatories to the 1961 Hague Convention Treaty also known as the Hague Apostille Convention.

Since December 31, 2008, Mongolia has been part of the 1961 Hague Apostille Convention. It allows that any official document destined for Mongolia requires an apostille from the Secretary of State. As a result, documents will be valid in 121 countries that are member of the Hague Apostille Convention without requiring any further confirmation.

Apostilles authenticate the seals, stamp, the signatures and the capacity of signer on public documents such as birth certificates, court decisions or any other documents issued by government agencies, the administrative body, court, prosecutor or educational organizations at all level. The documents will be issued by the consulate of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Things to consider for apostille application:

  1. All seals and signatures must be originals. Copies are not acceptable unless they are true certified copies from a notary.
  2. Notarize each document. The signature of document and signature of the notary who certified the original copy of the document should be clearly visible.
  3. All documents that handed over with application must be translated with certified translator, and notarized as a true translation.

Adopting a Mongolian Child

Lately, our lawyers have been asked a question from a client who would like to adopt a Mongolian child. The process of adopting a Mongolian child by foreign nationals is a quite intricate and it involves multiple steps.

A citizen shall file an application for adopting a child of Mongolian nationality to the appropriate body in Mongolia through their home country’s competent authority. The adoption application from foreign country shall be submitted directly to the governmental central administrative body in charge of population matter of Mongolia.

A child adopter shall meet following requirements:

  • A child of Mongolian nationality shall be adopted by a family living together for less than 5 years, or a foreign single woman.
  • A foreign citizen below the age of 60.
  • A person whose rights of parenthood isn’t restricted or excluded.
  • A person who has a full civil capability
  • A person without tuberculosis, AIDS, mental disease or alcohol and drug dependency
  • A person with no criminal history.

The applicant must submit a report with required documents. A report should contain information on their personal characteristics, suitability of the adoption, educational status, family background, health information, history of their income and social status. Also, the reason for adoption should be described. After review and approval of the adoption application, the authority in charge of population matter of Mongolia will select a probable adoptive child and provide child’s information to the applicant. If the prospective parents will make decision on adoptive child, the Immigration Agency of Mongolia will review and examine the application and other relevant documents, and will make a decision on the child adoption.

During the process, our law firm may assist them by providing legal support to liaise with government authorities to help in responding to the official’s concerns or questions. We may also be able to assist in identifying the appropriate organization in their home country to initiate the process.

Is Sports Betting Legal in Mongolia?

Our Mongolian lawyers have recently received an inquiry from a prospective client on whether over sport betting activities is legal in Mongolia.

In Mongolia, the establishment and operation of a casino has been prohibited since 1999. Under the Criminal Act, operation of gambling activities is considered a crime while participating in the act of gambling is also a violation of the law.  The question then is whether the sports wagering is type of the gambling category.

 According to the legislations above, any business which involves gambling via dice, playing cards or other objects to make a profits, involving an unpredictable outcome and risk is a crime, including where such activities are conducted via information technology and social media. If someone participates in that activity, his/ her action is considered a breach of the Infringement Law.

According to this definition, sports betting is not considered gambling under the Mongolian legislation. Sports betting is an activity to predict the outcome by betting on real sports games like basketball soccer and tennis. It is possible for sport betters to estimate the probability of results based on their skills, knowledge and information. In other words, there is more control and predictability than the outcome of a game of chance, which differentiates sports betting from gambling.  

Companies in Mongolia are able to obtain a license to operate a lottery or betting games. This shows that Mongolia law sets an important distinction between pure gambling verses betting, reflected in the different regulations.