Obtaining Investment Visas in Mongolia

Recently, one of our clients had been seeking our advice on how to obtain private purpose permanent residency in Mongolia. Our Mongolian lawyers and visa specialists are able to assist in obtaining permanent residency permits and visas for Mongolia.

The residence permit for personal purposes shall be granted for up to 5 years. This type of residence permit may be issued for family reasons, employment, investment, study and academic research, or immigration.

There are several sub-classes of investment related visas.

  • B1 Investor of foreign-invested enterprises;
  • B1-1 Family member of an investor of foreign-invested enterprises;
  • B2 Foreign national appointed as an investor’s representative or executive management of a foreign-invested enterprises;
  • B3 Foreign national working as an executive or a representative of a foreign legal entity.

Visa grant processing time is 5 working days for standard and may be expedited to 3 working days.

A Visitor must apply for residency permit at the Immigration agency for Mongolia within 21 days after entry.

Amendments to the Personal Income Tax Law

Our Mongolian lawyers and accountants regularly assist foreign individuals and companies in Mongolia with advise regarding Mongolian income tax issues. There are important changes to the Personal Income Tax law in 2023 that foreign companies and individuals should be aware of.

On 11 November 2022, the parliament adopted the Law on amendments to the Personal Income Tax which came into effect on 1 January 2023. The legalized change imposes progressive rates on individual’s salaries and other similar income tax. In other word, it is a tax system that increases rates when the taxable income goes up. Previously, the flat rate of 10% of Personal Income Tax on salary, wage, bonus, incentive and similar income was set for resident taxpayer. Now, tax in salaries and other similar income will be imposed as follows:

  1. 10% for taxable income between 0-120,000,000 MNT;
  2. 12,000,000 MNT and the income exceeding 120,000,000 will be subject to an additional tax of 15% for taxable income between 120,000,001-180,000,000 MNT;
  3. 21,000,000 MNT and the income exceeding 180,000,000 MNT will be subject to an additional tax of 20% for taxable income above 180,000,000 MNT

For instance, an individual who earns 144 million tugrug annually would be taxed at the rate of 10% in 120 million tugrug of taxable income. The remaining 24 million tugrug will be taxed at the rate of 15%.

New Regulation on Non-Competition Agreements

Our Mongolian lawyers were recently approached with a request to assist a client to confirm the legality of non-compete obligations under an employment contract for a mining services company.

Employer companies often ask whether they can oblige employee not to work in the company engaged in the similar type of activity or working after terminating an employment contract. This is regulated in the Labor Law of Mongolia as non-compete obligation under additional term of employment agreement.

In order to protect industrial and business secrets, an employer is given right to provide for an additional term in an employment contract or conclude a supplementary contract with employee creating non-compete obligations. Such agreements create an obligation for the departing employee not to work for a directly competing organization, or individual for a period of time after the termination of the employment relationship, or the employee himself/herself shall not engage in directly competitive activities.

The period of validity of additional non-competition clause or supplementary contract in the employment contract is not more than 1 year after the termination of the employee’s employment contract. After the termination of the employment, the employer shall pay the employee a monthly allowance in an amount equal to at least 50% of the last month’s salary during the period of validity of the additional non-competition clause or supplementary contract.

Meaning of last month’s salary is the salary that includes the base pay, additional pay, extra pay, annual leave pays and bonuses.

Cryptocurrency Exchange and Trading in Mongolia

As we work with many foreign clients engaged in range of international businesses, one of the comment questions asked by our clients lately is whether cryptocurrency is legal in Mongolia and how it is regulated.

In Mongolia, cryptocurrency trading and exchanges are legal, and the country implemented the Law of Mongolia on Virtual Property Service Providers (VPSP law) which came into force on December 17, 2021.

Along with the rapidly evolving technological processing in the world, the market of crypto is expanding in Mongolia. At the same time, there was a need to create a legal framework for the sector of crypto trading and exchanging in order to prevent from public risks as well as to have required records, suspicious or terrorist-related transactions reports.

Considering these issues, Mongolia has taken an adoptive approach to cryptocurrency regulation by applying legislation mentioned above. The main objective of the VPSP law is to register cryptocurrency exchanging and trading providers, monitor their activities, and determine their legal rights and obligations.

The VPSP law brought cryptocurrency under the regulatory authority of the Financial Regulatory Commission from December 2021, and imposed a requirement from cryptocurrency service provider companies to register and obtain a special license. Moreover, cryptocurrency exchange and trading service provider’s income is taxable and exempt from value added tax.

Can You Obtain a Damages Award for Emotional Distress in Mongolia?

In order to guarantee the fundamental rights of the citizens, regardless of the material damage, the rights to claim emotional distress damage should be open. In Mongolia, the right to claim emotional distress damages is limited by the Civil Code of Mongolia. In judicial practice, only emotional damages related to defamation of other people’s distinction, reputation and business reputation are awarded. Other than that, emotional damage that may occur is interpreted as not specifically regulated on compensation for emotional damage based on the Article 230.2 of the Civil Code of Mongolia.

Jurisprudence shows that certain conditions must be met in order to award emotional damage compensation. It includes:

  • Emotional damage should be related to the victim of the case
  • The damage cannot be repaired or restored
  • Intentional or reckless guilt
  • The act must have been manifested in an action that is discussing, repulsive and noticeable to anyone
  • Victims may have experienced emotional damage
  • The right to demand compensation for emotional damage must be specified in the civil law and other laws.

Studying the decisions of the courts of Mongolia, emotional damage award will be depending on the severity of the case. Although the court considered that emotional damage has not been proven, in cases of obviously serious, repulsive and despicable acts, there are cases where claims are satisfied including the amount and evaluation of emotional damage in the physical damage of the victim. However, the scope of the right to claim emotional damages is still limited by Article 230.2 and 511 of the Civil Code.

The Law on Criminal Procedure and the Law on Family provide for the possibility of demanding compensation for emotional damage, but the court refuses to issue compensation for emotional damage on the grounds that “it is not specifically provided for in the Civil Code”.

What Rights to Land Does a Foreign Invested Company Enjoy in Mongolia?

Articles 27-44 of the Law of Mongolia on Land regulates granting land for possession or use. In this blog we will discuss difference between the right to possess and use land in Mongolia as well as the right of foreign investment company in this field.

The right to use and possess land are different by the subjects, purpose of its use, size and duration under the Law of Mongolia on Land. For instance, in regards with the subject, the land possession shall be given only to Mongolian citizens, companies and organizations.

Under Mongolian legislations, foreign investment company is considered as Mongolian legal entity. However, according to Article 44 of the Law of Mongolia on Land, there is only right to use the land not to possess for foreign investment company. Also, the article 6.5 of the Constitution of Mongolia specifically state that “the State may allow foreign nationals, legal persons, and stateless persons to use land for a specified period of time under conditions and procedures as provided by law”.

This is related to the concept “Land relations are the basis of national heritage and independence” of the Constitution of Mongolia. Therefore, granting land possessing rights to foreign invested company is contrary to the concept of the Constitution of Mongolia.

Foreign invested economic entities can use land for specific purposes, terms and conditions set forth in the Law of Mongolia on Land and the Government shall set the relevant term and duration to use land.

A Mongolian perspective on Public-Private Partnerships Development

Since the Law of Mongolia on Concessions was adopted in 2010, it has established a legal framework for public-private partnership by granting concessions to private investors to use existing infrastructure facilities owned by the state, and to construct new infrastructure facilities for the purpose of providing services.

However, the current Concessions law is inadequate to meet the needs of fundamental principles of public-private partnership such as planning, granting and effective risk and debt management.

The implementation of the Concessions law raised the following issues:

  • Illegal selection of participants for granting a concession
  • Concluding an invalid direct agreement
  • Ineffective concession which creates significant burden of the state budget
  • Absence of specific regulations and policies of concession procedure guidelines.
  • Lack of related administrative authorities’ involvement on selecting, contracting, implementing, or overseeing concession
  • Risk management and risk allocation methodologies

Therefore, the government submitted the first draft of Law on Public-Private Partnership on April 6, 2022, and requested to repeal the Law of Mongolia on Concession. The purpose of the law is to support private sector’s participation and investment in the implementation of public-private partnership in the field of public infrastructure and public services projects, and to create favorable legal environment for long-term efficient cooperation.

Judicial Recusal

Articles 91-93 of the Civil Procedure Law of Mongolia regulate grounds for recusal of a judge, submission of a request for recusal, resolution thereof, and consequences of recusal by a judge. In this blog, we will mention some practical difficulties and issued encountered in judicial recusal.

Firstly, in general a judge is obligated to reach a decision in a matter before it.

When the parties to the case make a motion for recusal of the judge, they usually base the request on issues or concerns which raise doubt as to whether the case can be resolved fairly. In this ground, one of the participants in the case must have provided information with certain facts about the judge being influenced by the other party.

However, according to the court practice, the requests made on this basis are related to the violation of the rights of the participants in the case, the restriction of their rights, and the violation of the case procedure.

In the course of the proceedings, the judge himself/herself manages the proceedings, granting or refusing to grant requests made by the parties to the case on the basis of the law.

There are also cases where withdrawing from a judge on the grounds that refusing to accept the request is considered to be interfering to the process of case review by judge.

On the other hand, in the course of the proceedings, there are cases where the judge gives too much priority to one of the parties involved in the case and makes a decision that is beneficial to that party.

It is very difficult to prove the above-mentioned grounds for recusal of a judge, and in practice, in most cases, even if a request for recusal of a judge is made, the request will be always denied or not accepted. 

Another reason for refusing a judge is that lawyers use the tactics of delaying the court hearing and delaying the court processing.

Delays in proceedings and delays in court hearings depend on many factors, but one of them is the delay related to the process of resolving a request to recuse a judge, a panel of judges, or all judges of a given court. 445 cases or 7.8% of cases were delayed due to requests for recusal by judges in civil courts of first instance.

Freezing Assets in Mongolian Litigation

A frequent issue in litigation is the risk that the defendant may liquidate or transfer assets during the court proceeding, so that when the court award is finally granted the defendant has no assets on paper.

In order to prevent this situation, Mongolian courts allow for a process of freezing a defendant’s assets or bank account at the start of the court proceeding. Such an asset freeze will prohibit the defendant from transferring assets and cash to other parties in an attempt to avoid the negative consequences of a judgment against them. To initiate such an asset freeze, Mongolian courts require payment of a deposit, or bond by the Plaintiff into an account controlled by the court, in an amount equal to the claim.

An asset freeze of this kind requires a formal petition to the court. In most cases the court will grant a plaintiffs request for an asset freeze. There is no legal timeline for the freeze, but in most cases it will be implemented quickly to avoid any transfers by the defendant to evade the freeze. However, there are certain situations in which actual implementation of the freeze is delayed due to administrative issues, or delay by the Court Enforcement Bureau.

There is also the issue of appeal of the court’s decision regarding the freeze of assets.

The defendant has the right to appeal the decision of the court within 10 days, and the court must decides on the appeal within 14 days. The law does not regulate whether or not the Judge’s order on freeze of assets will be suspended until the complaint is resolved, or will be effective during the appeal process. This situation sometimes creates confusion and differences in actual implementation. Of course, if the actual impact of the asset freeze is not enforced until 24 days after the order, the defendant will have a lot f time to potentially transfer or hide the targeted assets.

Although, there is no specific regulation on the liability for failure to comply with the Judge’s order on measures to secure implementation of court decision, the law does allow for penalty in the form of a fine, and in some cases potential imprisonment.

How to Extend a Minerals Exploration License

Our team of Mongolian lawyers recently received an inquiry from a long-time client regarding the process for renewal of a minerals exploration license. Exploration licenses are issued by the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority for a 3 year period with holders permitted up to 3 extensions of the term of an exploration license for 3 years each. A license holder should apply for extension to the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority 1 month before the expiration of the exploration license.

Within 10 working days after receiving the application for the extension of an exploration license, relevant government agency shall verify whether the applicant qualifies for a renewal. If so, the period of the exploration license shall be extended for a period of 3 years, and this shall be recorded in the license registration book.

As soon as Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority renews the exploration license it will notify the state inspection agency and details of the renewal will be published in the daily newspaper.

In the event, the license holder does not meet the above- mentioned requirements and conditions, the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority will refuse to extend the term/period of the exploration license and shall notify the applicant in writing of this and record it in the license registry book.