Tag Archives: Intellectual Property

Invalidating a Mongolian Trademark

In the past weeks the firm’s Mongolian lawyers have been approached with an inquiry regarding the possibilities to request trademark invalidation in Mongolia.

Registration of trademarks can be invalidated by a request filed with the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC). There are several acceptable reasons for trademark invalidation.

Any interested person may submit to the DRC a request for invalidation of a trademark registration on the ground of followings:

  • Trademark is registered in violation of registration requirements;
  • The trademark is registered in the member country of Paris Convention under name of any representative of distributor without permission of rights owner of the given trademark;
  • A trademark owner hasn’t used the trademark for 5 years without any reasonable excuses.

Such an invalidation request is acceptable in Mongolia if it was submitted within one year from the date on which the registration of the conflicting trademark was published by the Intellectual Property Office. The DRC with the authority to decide whether or not a trademark is invalid within 6 months from the date of receipt and notify it to petitioner.

Although Mongolian Trademark law provides any interested person to dispute about trademark registration validity within specific reasons, a one-year limit for a request submission is too short. After this time frame has passed, it becomes more difficult to invalidate trademark registration based on a request of likelihood of confusion.

The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Paris Convention) which is ratified by Mongolia, provided longer time limit for filing a trademark invalidation request. For example, article 6bis of the Paris Convention entitles the owner of a well-known mark to file an invalidation request of conflicting trademark in 5 years from the date on which the registration of the conflicting trademark was published. Therefore, a period extension for invalidation request is required for the purpose of harmonizing Mongolian law with international treaty.

Trademark Infringement Investigations and Penalties

The Investigation procedures for handling trademark infringement in Mongolia are governed by the Law of Intellectual Property, the Infringement Procedure Law and the State Inspection Law. The penalty for trademark infringement is specified by the Infringement law or the Criminal code depending on the extent of the harm and loss actually caused, which means both civil and criminal fines may be imposed. Although, it is common practice in Mongolia to violate trademark, most violations are investigated as trademark infringement under the Law, not as criminal offenses. Therefore, with today’s blog, we will focus on trademark infringement investigation and civil penalties.

Pursuant to Article 12.3 of the Law on Trademarks and Geographical Indications of Mongolia, a trademark owner is entitled to exclusive ownership, usage rights, and legal right to demand discontinuance of unauthorized use, along with monetary damage in compensation for infringing use.

The state officer for intellectual property shall be responsible for matters related to the intellectual property, in particular trademark infringement. The authorized inspector shall carry out the inquiry into the alleged the infringement case upon the receipt of the complaint and information about the trademark infringement. Upon receiving a complaint, the inspector shall decide whether to initiate the infringement case based on the claims and evidence provided. After the investigation is complete, the authorized official shall make the decision on whether to terminate the case without penalty, or to impose penalties.

According to the Infringement law of Mongolia, authorized official shall impose following penalties for trademark infringement:

  • Seizure of property and profits related to the infringement;
  • Cessation of unauthorized use;
  • Compensation of damages to the trademark owner;
  • Individuals involved in the infringement may be fined up to 300,000 MNT while companies may be fined up to 3,000,000 MNT.

The trademark infringement decision will be enforceable in the territory of Mongolia.

Domain Name Dispute Settlement in Mongolia

Recently, one of our clients had been seeking our advice on Mongolian communications law, particularly on the domain name registration and dispute settlement issue. Meanwhile providing legal analysis to our client’s inquiry, we have decided to provide the post in concern with background of the domain name monitor in Mongolia.

Communications Regulatory Commission of Mongolia (CRC) is the government authority that is responsible to monitor the implementation for registration and usage of domain name. Only one company, a Datacom LLC, has the authority from the CRC to register domain name in Mongolia. Datacom LLC’s website has a WHOIS owner database.

One of the powers of the CRC is resolving disputes between a domain name registrant (domain name holder) and a third party. In 2020 CRC adopted a “Regulation on registration and use of domain names”. This Regulation specifically provides for that “CRC will follow laws and regulations of Mongolia when processing requests and complaints. When dealing with issues not specified in laws of Mongolia and this Regulation, CRC may follow relevant parts of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (UDRP)”.

Pursuant to Regulation on registration and use of domain names, after the third party (other than domain name registrar and domain name registrant) submits a request or complaint, provided that all required documents are submitted along with request or complaint, CRC shall notify domain name registrar, domain name registrant and other relevant parties and obtain relevant response from them within 14 days from the date of submission of request or complaint. CRC will resolve the request or complaint within 21 days from the date of receipt of relevant responses. Depending on the content of request or complaint CRC may appoint a panel consisting of 3 experts with the purpose of carrying out an expert opinion on the matter. In such case the time to process a request or complaint against domain name will be longer. Pursuant to this Regulation, if CRC deems necessary, complaining party and domain name registrant may participate in the dispute resolution hearing.

Amendments to Law on Trademarks and Geographical Indications

As promised, we will continue to discuss about intellectual property law reform in Mongolia. On May 6, 2021 lawmakers passed amendments to Law on Trademarks and Geographical indications. The revised version of this Law was adopted in 2010, and was previously amended only once in 2015. Since this Law was adopted some trademark-related relations have evolved and several new regulations were implemented. For example, IP office started to take trademark applications online. Due to these circumstances, it became necessary to make relevant amendments to the Law.

Let’s look at key points of new regulations implemented in new amendments to Law:

  1. Terms and definitions are redefined in accordance with international treaties, to which Mongolia is a party (such as TRIPS, the Paris convention, Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks),
  2. New ground for refusal to register a trademark is added: if a mark (trademark) matches the name of a legal entity that is registered in state registration.
  3. In connection with above mentioned regulation, IP office (IP inspectors) is now authorized to access the state registration database for purposes of performing trademark examinations. This authority was not granted under previous regulation. Because of this there were occasions where a name of a legal entity is registered as different entity/person’s trademark.
  4. New stages of trademark examination are implemented. Now after formal examination of an application IP office determines the filing date and publishes bibliographic data of a mark in the official journal. This regulation was not provided previously. After such publication an interested party may submit an opposition to IP office. Meaning that now an interested party may submit an opposition before a trademark is registered (while IP office is performing a trademark examinations) and after a trademark is registered. Whereas under previous regulation, an interested party could submit an opposition only after a trademark is registered.
  5. New ground for cancellation of a trademark is added: if a trademark was not used for 5 years without any good reason.
  6. New regulations are introduced with regards to entity/person who was using in good faith a mark that is similar or identical to a registered trademark for the same goods or services prior to the latter’s priority date.
  7. Now trademark owners and holders of geographical indications are obliged to notify the IP office every time of their name change, address change and transfer of ownership, and apply to make relevant amendments to registration.

Overall same as new Law on Patents, the amendments to Law on Trademarks and Geographical indications have implemented more detailed and new regulations of trademark application filing, formal and substantive examinations, registration and publication of trademarks and geographical indications, and eliminated any existing inconsistencies and overlapped regulations.

Intellectual Property Law Reform in Mongolia

Over the past decade or so due to rapid development of technologies more new types of works and creations are starting to be protected by intellectual property rights. Hence the relations and transactions related to intellectual property rights are becoming more complex and multifaceted. Naturally, reform of intellectual property legislation becomes necessary. So, new Law on Intellectual property was adopted on January 23, 2020 and came into force on December 1, 2020. Law on Intellectual property establishes general regulations related to intellectual property rights, legal status of intellectual property authorities and institutions. In one of our previous blogs, we have covered highlights of this law. And matters related to specific types of intellectual property are regulated by separate relevant laws.

As part of said reform several key laws were renewed and amended on May 6, 2021, particularly, Law on Patents, Law on Copyrights, and Law on Trademarks and Geographical indications.

Revised version of Law on Patents was adopted and it implements several new significant regulations. Here are highlights of these new regulations:

  • new law provides to grant patents for utility models, whereas previously certificates were granted for utility models;
  • patentability criteria of inventions, utility models and industrial designs are redefined, in the sense that they are more clarified;
  • patent application filing procedures have become more detailed, particularly, formal examination of application is split into two stages: composition check of application documents and examination of application documents;
  • due to the fact that terms in the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), to which Mongolia is a party, are long and the need to bring the law into line with PCT, patent application filing terms and prior art search and substantive examination terms have been extended. Also, other relevant regulations have been brought into line with international treaties, to which Mongolia is a party;
  • regulation of electronic filing of patent applications have been updated, while previous regulations were very vague;
  • more clarified regulation is added concerning third-party observations (third-party objections);
  • regulation on international patent application filing procedures, and licensing agreement regulations have become more detailed.

Overall, the new law has implemented more detailed regulations and precise terms of patent application filing, application examination and patent granting procedures, and has eliminated any previously existing inconsistencies and overlaps of regulations.

In our following blogs we shall discuss about new regulations established in Law on Trademarks and Geographical indications and Law on Copyrights.

Seizure of Infringing Product by Mongolia Customs

We have written previously about the legal mechanisms for registration of intellectual property rights in the Mongolia Customs database for preventing the intellectual property infringement in Mongolia. In this post we will go more in-depth regarding processes for seizure and detention of suspected counterfeit products by Customs at import or export, which has proven to be effective to fight against the infringement of intellectual property rights in the country.

In general, a holder of intellectual property rights is able to submit an application to Mongolia Customs authorities to take measures to prevent infringing & counterfeit goods from entering into Mongolia when there is evidence known or suspected illegal or counterfeit products are in transit through Customs. An application must contain information about the IP holder, the relevant intellectual property itself; and detailed information about the products requested to be seized.

Upon identifying target goods transiting Customs, authorities may require a cash deposit by the IP rights holder equal to the total value of the seized products (or MNT 1,500,000 if the total value is not possible to determine in advance). Alternatively, the IP rights holder may provide a bank guarantee to cover the deposit value.

This deposit serve as guarantee that the applicant will not cause any undue harm to the exporter or importer of the goods, and if any damage is caused due to false information, the deposit will be used to pay for damages.

The Customs authority will make a decision within 30 working days after receiving the application in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. If the relevant customs authority decides to detain goods related to intellectual property rights pursuant to an application, it shall notify the Intellectual Property Office and the applicant.

Registering Your IP with Mongolia Customs

Holders of Intellectual Property rights (IP) registered in Mongolia have the option to register these rights with Customs. This registration allows an IP holder an important tool to prevent import or export of counterfeit products into or out of Mongolia.

In order to be included in the customs database, an IP rights holder must submit a request to the General Customs Administration to include the holder’s IP rights in the Customs database. Such request shall contain the details of the goods related to the intellectual property rights, information of the holder, documents confirming the intellectual property rights, along with a list of goods to be registered and protected. There is no official fee for this registration.

The decision to register goods related to intellectual property rights in the Customs database is finalized by the head of the department in charge of control and risk of the Central Customs Administration. Information registered with the central database is shared with regional Customs offices around the country.

IP holders should take care to report to Customs and request updated registration with Customs when any important information regarding the IP rights is changed, including duration of protection, name of the rights holder, or others.

The Central Customs Administration may publish the list of goods registered in the Customs database and changes thereto in the official customs edition and some other information on the customs website with the permission of the rights holder.

New Intellectual Property Law

Mongolia has enacted several laws in order to implementing the policies to protect and promote intellectual property, namely Law on Patent, Law on Copyright and Related Rights, Law on Trademarks and Geographical Indications, Law on Innovation and Law on Technology Transfer.

There has been criticism that these laws mainly regulated the protection of intellectual property by the state, but they did not establish a framework for protection of intellectual property in an economic context allowing for the full range of business profit. For instance, intellectual property is protected by patent and trademark pursuant to relevant laws, but the ability of the rights holder to benefit from the intellectual property, by pledging and selling intellectual property rights to legal entities, assigning them to a third party is harmed due to weak economic value.

Therefore, Law on Intellectual Property was newly approved on January 23, 2020, with the aim of increasing the economic value of intellectual property in Mongolia. This law will come into force on December 1, 2020.

The law is expected to clarify the legal rights and authorities of government agencies at various levels in connection with active intellectual property protection and enforcement, including expanding on the rights and duties of Intellectual Property inspectors in charge of investigating alleged infringement.  

At the same time, the law provides greater detail as to role and responsibility of intellectual property agents and brokers which assist IP owners in registering and protecting their IP in Mongolia.

The new law will also expand on the economic rights of Intellectual Property owners, including evaluation and assessment of IP rights, and the extent of state support for economic uses of IP.

Finally, the law aims to reform structure and function of the national Intellectual Property registry, as well as the dispute resolution system for IP related disputes.

With the entry into force of this law, it is expected that it will be easier to put intellectual property into economic circulation; and the intellectual property valuation and mediation will be more reliable; and the activities of the intellectual property organization will be more stable and normal.

Patent Maintenance Fees

A patent owner shall pay the following fees to Intellectual property office of Mongolia (IPOM) in order to maintain the validity of their patents:

  • 10000 MNT /~ 3.77 USD/ for the 1st three years;
  • 20000 MNT /~ 7.54 USD/ for the 4th-6th years;
  • 30000 MNT /~ 11.31 USD/ for the 7-10th years;
  • 40000 MNT /~ 15.09 USD/ for the 11th-15th years;
  • 50000 MNT /~ 18.86 USD/ for the 16th-20th years.

The payment for the patent validity of 1st three years shall be paid within 6 months after the decision on the issuance of patent, and the payment of further fees are to be paid 6 months prior to the commencement of the preceding fee payment. In case the patent owner failed to make the payment on time, the IPOM may grant an additional 6 months and in such case the patent owner shall pay additional fees equivalent to the non-paid duration fee.

The IPOM is entitled to invalidate the patent in case of non-payment of fees within the additional 6 months. However, if the patent was invalidated on the grounds of failed payment, the patent may be renewed upon the request of patent owner within the general valid term of the patent (20-50 years).

Well Known Trademarks in Mongolia

In case of a dispute in connection to the unfair competition and conflict of interests of your trademark, the trademark owner is entitled to apply a request for declaration of your mark as well-known in Mongolia him/herself or through representation of an authorized intellectual property agent to the Dispute Settlement Committee of the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia.

For this purpose, the trademark owner shall file an application only in relation to one trademark and such request shall include, aside from providing basic personal and business information on the applicant and/or the authorized intellectual property agent, following information:

  • Description of the trademark for the declaration as well-known mark;
  • The name list of the well-known trademark product and services;                    
  • The date of the trademark declaration as well-known;
  • The status of the intellectual property rights of that particular trademark in Mongolia;
  • The justification/reasons for declaration of trademark as well-known mark along with their proofs and evidences.

Furthermore, the Intellectual property office of Mongolia is responsible for the public distribution of the well-known marks, yet unfortunately according to the unofficial statement, no such applications for declaration of trademark as well-known have been submitted and hence there is no list of the well-known marks in Mongolia as of today.