Edward LEHMAN Joins Asia Association of Environmental ProfessionalsAugust 27, 2018 by Jacob Blacklock
Mr. Edward LEHMAN has been appointed General Counsel of the Asia Association of Environmental Professionals (AAEP). Edward is pleased for the opportunity to cooperate with the AAEP in support of its mission to provide networking opportunities and problem-solving platforms for professionals in environmentally focused positions throughout Asia. Mr. LEHMAN’s name was put forward for the position as one of the Click Here to Read More
LehmanLaw Mongolia Registered to Provide Legal Advice in Securities MarketOctober 18, 2017 by Jacob Blacklock
LehmanLaw Mongolia LLP is pleased to announce that the firm has been officially approved for registration with the Financial Regulatory Commission as a legal entity able to provide legal advice to securities market participants. With the new registration, the firm is legally permitted to provide legal advice in relation to Mongolian Capital Markets, participation in the Mongolian Stock Exchange, Initial Click Here to Read More
The New LehmanLaw Mongolia website is Live!June 20, 2016 by Jacob Blacklock
Since its founding in 1995 as the first foreign law firms in Mongolia, Lehman, Lee & Xu Mongolia has continually adapted and grown, in-step with the changing dynamics in Mongolia. We have been here through boom and bust. We are proud to call Mongolia our home, and we are dedicated to our work promoting rule of law, development and foreign Click Here to Read More
LehmanLaw Mongolia Advises on Financing for Oyu Tolgoi Mining ProjectMarch 29, 2016 by Jacob Blacklock
Ulaanbaatar, 17 December, 2015 – LehmanLaw Mongolia is pleased to announce its participation as Mongolian counsel for a group of international Lenders including the multilateral agencies European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and International Finance Corporation (IFC), the export credit agencies Export Development Canada (EDC), Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) and US EXIM, and a syndicate Click Here to Read More

China Legal Pioneer Edward Lehman Awarded 2014 DePauw University Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award for Management and EntrepreneurshipMarch 29, 2016 by Jacob Blacklock
BEIJING, April 28, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- DePauw University awards Edward Lehman (Connect on Linkedin), resident in mainland China for the past 27+ consecutive years, with the 2014 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award for Management and Entrepreneurship. The award is presented each year to one alumni by the DePauw University Alumni Association in conjunction with the McDermond Center for Management Click Here to Read More

Mongolia Strengthens Efforts to Prevent and Combat Trafficking in PersonsMarch 29, 2016 by Jacob Blacklock
(Source: www.asiafoundation.org)
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Mongolian Parliament Adopts new Investment LawMarch 29, 2016 by Jacob Blacklock
Mongolian Parliament Adopts new Investment Law
Last week, the Mongolian Parliament adopted the long-anticipated “Investment Law” which replaces the former regime in place for foreign investors operating in Mongolia. In the same act of Parliament, the former “Foreign Investment Law” and “Strategic Entities Foreign Investment Law” (“SEFIL”) were both repealed. The SEFIL in particular had been widely blamed Click Here to Read More

Lehman, Lee and Xu Mongolia have been invited to attend the first assembly of lawyers, 06-08 September 2013March 29, 2016 by Jacob Blacklock
The Law on Legal Status of Lawyers, passed by the Parliament within the framework of the Judicial Legal Reform initiated by the President of Mongolia, has come into force. This law provides that the new Lawyers’ Association shall be a professional self-governed body responsible for approving and enforcing the professional standards of lawyers. The Lawyers’ Association will be responsible for Click Here to Read More
Edward Lehman and LEHMAN, LEE & XU LEGAL ISSUES concerning CHINA Consumer Market: Interpreting Proactively China Laws Regulations and Policies Issues Concerning E-Commerce and China E-Marketing Master Class, Beijing ChinaApril 14, 2016 by Jacob Blacklock
Edward Lehman 25+ Year "China Hand" and LEHMAN, LEE & XU China Lawyers E-Commerce Group's Objective of this China Law Course
China has undergone the greatest economic development in the history of the world. The "middle class' and online community has been estimated up to 300 million persons in China (that is the entire population of the USA). The race is Click Here to Read More